Enjoy a game of croquet at Kelburn

Winter play postponed until further notice

After one brilliantly sunny day of croquet on Saturday 3 June, we reluctantly concluded the lawns were not sufficiently robust to start the winter season. Therefore the lawns are closed again until further notice.

We hope to be able to re-open in a few days.

Meanwhile, a reminder that winter play starts at the slightly later time of 10 am for morning play, and there are special conditions. 

Three lawns (3, 4 and 5) only are available for play, as we pay the Wellington City Council for maintenance of three lawns throughout winter, and rotate their use. Check the whiteboard inside the front door for which lawns are to be used on the day.

However, conditions are soggy around the hoop 4 area on lawns 3 and 4. We might ask you to play past those two hoops, for now. Check the whiteboard inside the clubhouse door for any special conditions applying on the day.

Games will be 30 minutes' duration so everyone gets a turn.

Jump shots are not permitted during the winter season. We will instead play Heretaunga Rules this winter. 

Article added: Friday 09 June 2023


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