About playing croquet

For new members

Information for new members

KMCC Play and Competition Rules

KMCC Play and Club Competition Rules, updated July 2021. 

WCF GC Rules 6th Edition

WCF GC Rules 6th Edition

GC 'Heretaunga Rules', when jump shots are not permitted

'Heretaunga Rules' for GC croquet when jump shots are not permitted

Coaching/training/play information

Coaching tips by Jenny Clarke

Article by Jenny Clarke on GC coaching performance analysis

Shot watching notes 29 July 2021

GC Croquet Rules coaching notes 2021   Wayne Gair's notes prepared to accompany an in-person coaching session on the Rules, and the player's own copy of the Rules.

Videos we like

Basingstoke Croquet Club (UK) series of golf croquet coaching videos.

Croquet Australia short promotional and explanatory video, 2020

Toronto Croquet Club video about blocking shots

Links to related sites

Wellington Croquet Association - Click here 

Clubs in the Wellington region - Click here

Croquet New Zealand - Click here
