Enjoy a game of croquet at Kelburn

Helping at special olympics event

We helped a large group secondary school children from Hutt Valley High and Wairarapa College enjoy having a go at croquet at a special olympics event on 30 November at Hutt Valley.

The children had great fun, as did their teachers and helpers. Some had played before at an event earlier in the year at Te Rauparaha Arena in Porirua, and this event had been inspired by the earlier one.

Some of the young people were very good with the mallet, even on the rough ground, with one girl managing to score hoops pretty consistently and clear opponents' balls.

Lesley Meadows and John Corsham were Kelburn's helpers, with Croquet New Zealand's CEO Stefan Horrer standing in for Inclusion Officer Oliver Field.

Article added: Wednesday 30 November 2022


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